Sunday, October 6, 2013

From the Haunted Library....

Thirty years ago, Michael Jackson's Thriller created a surge in popularity of traditional monsters.  Universal Studios Monsters items had waned in the late 70's, but began to crop up more and more frequently on licensed merchandise (some more unusual than others).

And then there's this gem, published that same year:

There are a few more spreads I left out, including Costume Party, Unholy Matrimony, Showtime, and Happy Holidays (where -- I kid you not -- Frankie is the Easter Bunny and his Bride is a pinup Uncle Sam).  But I should really save some things for next year.

I picked this up for $5.00 at a flea market --- money well-spent I should say...


Anonymous said...

pretty cool. when did you purchase it?

Jeremy [Retro] said...

Dressed to Kill or not... depends on you mood I guess. Interesting post!
Visiting as part of the "Countdown to Halloween"

Jeremy H.

New Look, New Name and Same Stuff...

Also, thought I would share this with you... this is the label I work for and we want to get a good turn out this year.. Maybe you like and then share?

13 Days of Chills [2013] Win Prizes and More!
Brought to you by "Howlin' Wolf Records", go ahead you should check it out! Remember this runs all month long and it's all about the score music from some of your favorite films and the mention of prizes doesn't hurt either.

Ps. If you should have the Word Verification on it is Awful, if you get the chance PLEASE Turn it Off and set your comment preferences to NO ANONYMOUS! If you need some help on this, please visit my site on "Stupid CAPTCHA"... I have some helpful steps.

Wings1295 said...

So awesome. Definitely money well spent! I would have paid that and more.